Luna-Arocas, y Tang, T.L.

European Sport Management Quarterly , 2005, 5,4, 381-413

This research examines the motivation profiles of 218 consumers at a sport center in Valencia, Spain. We employed the Motivation in Sport Scale (MISS/Sport Center) with the following eight motives (factors): Positive Affect, Social Contact, Physical Exercise, Coping Strategy, Challenge, Body Image, Competition, and Entertainment. There were significant differences in consumers’ motives across gender, age, and marital status. We identified five motivation profiles using the eight motives of MISS/Sport Center: Non-Competitive Leisure-Oriented Exercisers, Practical Social Entertainers, Affective Users, Enthusiastic Sportspersons, and Passive Participants. There were differences in demographic variables and satisfaction among five motivation profiles. Results were discussed in light of marketing strategies for sport centers and the satisfaction of sport consumers.